Tricks and Recommendations For Extending The Battery Life of Your Smartphone

  • 15-July-2024

Over the past ten years or so, phones have advanced significantly in terms of processing speed, display quality, and camera capabilities.

However, many of us still need to regularly check the level of our phone batteries to prevent running out of power when we need it most. This is one thing that hasn't changed.

You can assist if you want to keep things topped off more conveniently and are sick of discovering that your phone is dead before the day is over. If nothing else, these pointers ought to assist you prolong the life of your battery.

Make use of the power saver mode

You may also switch it on by opening the main Settings app and going to the Battery section if you don't have that choice. This option will ensure that your phone, for example, turns off its display after a much shorter length of time, and restrict how much power it needs overall.

This mode will extend the life of your battery and is vital if your battery is severely low. It may cause some apps to feel slower or your screen to refresh at a lower rate.

Charge with more caution

It's likely that a vast majority of us charge our phones in the same manner every night by plugging them in and taking them out in the morning. Although not illegal, this may not be the optimal method of charging in terms of battery performance.

The vast majority of phones run on lithium-ion batteries, which actually deteriorate more quickly if they are frequently charged to maximum capacity and then drained to empty. They will be in a lot healthier state if they alternate between being almost empty and nearly filled, so you shouldn't keep them running on full power for an extended period of time.

Power-saving modes are now built into both Android and iOS phones, however they go by slightly different names. Generally, though, you can find it with a toggleable battery icon in your fast settings or control center menu.

These days, many Android phones and iPhones include built-in charging intelligence that reduces this issue by delaying charging until right before you wake up. However, you may still contribute to this by charging more deliberately, such as in the morning while working at your desk instead of overnight.

Consider what you're doing when using your phone

Sometimes it's important to emphasize the fundamentals, even though they may seem obvious. You should expect your phone's battery to drain faster while it is performing heavy lifting.

While a little web browsing and social network scrolling isn't too bad, playing graphically demanding games on the go or streaming Netflix for two hours every day while commuting via 5G can significantly shorten the life of your battery.

One way to prevent this is to download videos in advance to watch them on Wi-Fi so your phone doesn't have to stream them. As a final resort, it will help to truly stay away from these games or apps.

Lower Your Brightness

The phone's display stands out as one of the most significant contributing causes to battery consumption when you add up all the things your phone can power. This is the brains of any phone in the era of touch screens, but it needs a lot of power to function.

Reducing the brightness on your phone is one of the simplest methods to counteract that; while using the highest brightness on your phone may seem better and make watching videos easier, it really drains your battery. Even though the difference won't always be one you can quantify in percentages, lowering this will nonetheless have an impact.

Purchase a new battery

If you're doing everything above and beyond and still find that your phone's battery is depleting far faster than you'd like, it may be time for a replacement, even if this is a costly step.

Since batteries deteriorate with time, most phones will eventually lose their initial capacity after a few years. The only method to fix this is to get a new phone. You may verify this on your iPhone by going to Settings, Battery, and then Battery Health. This is where you can view the maximum capacity and battery life of your phone.

This may alert you to the need for a battery replacement, which is occasionally more expensive but frequently less expensive than purchasing a brand-new phone.


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