Mosquitoes In Midland Have The West Nile virus

  • 15-July-2023

MIDLAND, Texas (KOSA) - The City of Midland Wellbeing Administrations Division has affirmed West Nile Infection (WNV) in the Midland Province mosquito populace.

Midland Wellbeing Administrations put mosquito traps all through the region and sent the example to the Texas Division of State Wellbeing Administrations (DSHS). After the latest test, the DSHS told the City that one of the mosquitoes tried positive for WNV.

The following preventative measures were made public by the city:

1. wearing a bug spray that has been approved by the EPA Concealing with long sleeves and jeans

3. Keeping mosquitoes out of living regions by utilizing cooling or flawless window screens

4. limiting outdoor activities between sunrise and sunset, when mosquitoes are most active. Unloading standing water around your home

People are presented to WNV when they are chomped by mosquitoes that have benefited from contaminated birds. The contaminated mosquitoes can then spread the sickness to people through a mosquito nibble. These infections can't be spread one individual to another.

80% of the individuals who are tainted show no side effects by any stretch of the imagination. A person may experience headache, fever, muscle and joint pain, nausea, and fatigue if they do experience symptoms. Central nervous system infections can cause neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, and paralysis in about 1 in 150 people.

Rest, fluids, and over-the-counter painkillers will typically alleviate symptoms for most people, despite the lack of vaccines or medications to treat these infections. Individuals more than 50 years of age and those with other medical problems are at a higher gamble of turning out to be genuinely sick. People should tell their doctor about previous mosquito exposure if they experience symptoms and suspect West Nile virus infection.

This year, Texas has only seen one human West Nile virus case, and it was in Dallas County.

Visit the DSHS website at: for more information about the West Nile virus.

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