Google Messages Is Revamping How RCS Images With Text Captions Show

  • 05-July-2024

Google Messages is making minor but welcome changes to how photographs submitted with text look in RCS conversations.

At the moment, transmitting an image and an RCS message simultaneously causes the text to show over the photo. In an SMS discussion, the photo comes first, followed by the text.

Google Messages is currently testing a new look for RCS (and likely SMS). The picture will appear first, followed by the message, which is connected together by curving the bottom corners of the text bubble to match the top of the photo.

This merger looks better, and placing the text below makes a lot more sense, especially in the context of captions. The current design has always appeared weird, therefore you may wish to inspect each thing independently.

It follows the architecture of other messaging apps, making adding an image description a more obvious action.

So yet, only one user has reported the new Google Messages photo change.

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