An anxiety disorder screening for adults is recommended by a US task force

  • 20-June-2023

The task force stated in a recommendation that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that anxiety screenings are beneficial for adults and can identify disorders that are frequently ignored or underdiagnosed.

The group concluded that there was "insufficient evidence" to screen adults over 65.

Anxiety disorders are a type of mental illness that affect a lot of people. In primary care settings, they are frequently ignored, resulting in significant treatment initiation delays, according to the recommendation.

Independent medical professionals make recommendations regarding all forms of medical literature for the task force. The group has previously suggested screening for depression unilaterally.

According to the report, approximately 25% of men and 40% of women will experience some form of anxiety disorder in their lifetime.

Sleep issues, irritability, and difficulty concentrating are all symptoms of anxiety disorders like general or social anxiety. Anxiety can also manifest as mutism, panic disorders, or specific phobias.

During a screening for anxiety, trained doctors use diagnostic scales. A patient's anxiety cannot be diagnosed by these scales alone, but they can suggest additional treatment.

The task force advises doctors to be more cautious when discussing mental health issues with patients and to receive better training in anxiety disorders.

According to the report, "clinicians should aim to develop trusting relationships with patients, free of implicit bias, by being sensitive to cultural issues," and "should be cognizant of stigma issues associated with mental health diagnoses."

According to the group, underdiagnosis of anxiety disorders is "common" in current practice, and patients frequently receive inadequate or delayed care even when they are diagnosed.

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