Catholic Cases App Bridges Gap With Young Catholics

  • 30-September-2019

In ancient times, God spoke to humanity through prophets. These days He just might be communicating in part through technology.

Ryan Bilodeau, a New Hampshire marketer and theology teacher with a background in politics, recently designed an Android and IPhone app called Catholic Casesthat instructs Catholics on the basic moral teachings of the Catholic faith.

“Some young people call themselves Catholic, but even less follow the faith as closely as they do their favorite sports team. This is a big problem. Hopefully new Catholic technology like the Catholic Cases app will help meet them where they’re at,” said Ryan Bilodeau.

Why develop an app at all when Catholics already have access to the Catechism or the Bible? Ryan Bilodeau pointes out that “Searching through the Catechism of the Catholic Church can be a timely process. The Catholic Cases app helps Catholics by collecting, categorizing and storing the Church’s official moral teachings in one place and citing only official church teaching in the process.”

The story behind the Catholic Cases app is a touching one. After Ryan’s Mother passed away, he stood in the ICU surrounded by family unsure of how to answer the doctor’s question about the family’s desire to have an autopsy performed. When Google couldn’t provide a straight answer on the Church teachings on the permissibility of an autopsy, it occurred to Ryan that even well-studied Catholics could benefit from the ability to find the answers to complicated moral questions on the fly.

This is where the idea for Catholic Cases was born. The app places the Magisterium at one’s fingertips by categorizing and allowing users to sort through specific moral cases as explained by means of quotes from official church documents instead of having to scroll through long and complicated church documents yourself.

If you’re a Catholic looking to learn more about the Church’s moral teachings, then check out the Catholic Cases app available in the Google Play or iPhone App store.

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